Wish Y Interactive

In a message dated 3/16/02 4:34 PM, Willpap writes:
Y Architecture

Greg et al,

What if the web architecture of the WishY site is always biforcated, in other words ony two links to each page? Would not preclude cross referencing links.


In a message dated 3/16/02 12:49 PM, Willpap writes:
Wish/Y Interactive


A while back I mentioned projects that Greg Ulmer and I (and the Florida Research Ensemble) might be working on that we would love to have your help on. One such project is arising in the short term. I've become involved in something in NYC in April called the Free Biennial (http://www.freewords.org/biennial/) and it involves all kinds of projects in the city as well as on the Web. The main project I am proposing with Greg and FRE is called the "Soft Wishing Why Monument." It has been accepted and will be one of the top few projects featured in this biennial of about 200 artists. Following is the proposal, also viewable with links at:


<<S o f t W i s h I n g W h y M o n u m e n t…>>

We've been developing an idea for a simple input page for the accompanying Website which would collect wishes/questions surrounding both 911 event as well as the audiences own personal wishes/questions. To be consistent with the wishbone idea, where your wish must be kept secret, we've devised the idea that a person could input wish /question online and then that question would be encrypted by replacing letters with password-type dots (looking also like pom poms). The questions would then be stored and displayed on another page online, in order of their input, with sentences looking like groups of dots and spaces between where the words were.

This is the website portion of the project

In a message dated 3/17/02 1:14:38 AM, joshwhynot@yahoo.com writes:
Re- Wish/Y Interactive

<< Hi Will (and company),

Your project sounds interesting and I'd be happy to
write the code for you. Flash won't be particularly
useful for this project. Though we will need some
HTML forms to capture the wishes from the users. We
will also need something that can store these wishes
and give them back to us upon request. This could
either be a database or an XML document (either one
should work, we just need to figure out which one will
be the easiest for purposes). Finally we will also
need some ASP (active server pages) code to act as the
glue between the HTML and the database/XML.

Which brings me to some rather technical questions
about the web server that is hosting this web site.
Does it support ASP? (If its running a windows
operating system, it probably does. Otherwise, it
probably doesn't). Can we set up a simple Microsoft
Access database (once again, probably yes if it is

I'm also a little curious about the structure of the
site and how the various pages/page parts (info about
the project, wish entry forms, "success" page after
entering wish, list of previous wishes) are connected.
From my cursory examination of the free biennial
site, it seems that participants might be somewhat
restricted to having text and images only, at least
until they link to another site.

And finally, what is the time frame on this?

Anyways, I look forward to working with you.
Financial compensation won't be necessary. Should you
need to reach me via phone, my new number is
917-498-9421. Though I tend to be pretty responsive
via email.

talk to you soon,

In a message dated 3/17/02 12:13:29 PM, gulmer@english.ufl.edu writes:
RE- Re- Free FRE

<< Will

good plans and suggestions.
Another item occurs to me, relative to the original cyberpidgin goal:
the wishbone custom is just one of many folk customs showing the
persistence of magical thinking in daily life. The cyberpidgin purpose
is to use such customs and behaviors as a performative vernacular that
might facilitate global mutual understanding.
If we have a form on the site for inputting info we could solicit
examples of such customs from visitors, not limited to wishing customs.

Greg >>

In a message dated 3/23/02 12:18:09 PM, gulmer@english.ufl.edu writes:
Re: revised draft Y

I was wondering if you would want to set a limit on the number of
characters for a given wish, as when entering a password one is
restricted to a certain number of letters? The wish could be of any
length perhaps but the form would retain only that certain number of
spaces, so that you could calculate more easily? (although I suppose the
program could count the characters).

Greg >>